AMERICA – Claim Jesus Over Your Life

Though doubters deny the worthiness of Jesus they can not stop those who believe in our hearts Jesus is the son of God. Jesus is holy, His name is power, His majesty surpasses all understanding. Like stones are unstoppable at crying out to the Creator, doubters are unable to stop believers from shouting for joy at the sound of His name.

Luke 19:37-40 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

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7 Verses To Encourage Faith

God is good. Though we may not feel His presence at all times, at all times – His presence is with us.

Feeling His presence is often relative to the location of your walk with God. Do you believe you are close to Him, strolling side by side? Or are you watching from a distance, not understanding His magnificence as He interacts with others?

I encourage you not to remain afar from our LORD but instead boldly approach Him, as others have done, by increasing your faith in who He is. God is patient as He awaits you to grow your faith. As you do this He will warmly welcome you into His presence.

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American Christians – Get Out Of The Pit!

Our country cannot save itself – only Jesus the Christ can save us. As we continue to lift ourselves higher, believing we control destiny, living in a my body my choice world, we are falling deeper – quicker – into an unfathomable pit of darkness.

Americans have removed God from classrooms, from churches, from business, diner tables, sports events, youth groups, science, Twitter, FaceBook and from our government. The very Judeo-Christian based America, which men like William Bradford, James Madison, George Washington, Noah Webster, and Robert C. Winthrop labored for, is being trampled on under the disguise of “freedom.”

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6 Reasons To Worship God

Worshipping God is an outward action, public or private, affirming He is more powerful than us.

Acknowledging that truth through song, dance, prayer, meditation, or reciting The Word, is a believer’s desire. Christian hearts long to worship our LORD because we are drawn to Him. We desire to be in His presence, feel His love, communicate with Him. As we worship the LORD we are spontaneously in His presence no matter our true location.

God doesn’t care where we worship – His care is that we worship.

Read six reasons God is worthy of worship:

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Creation Happened Because God Exists

Creation is from the great I AM. His existence is before the beginning. I AM is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient forever.

Look around. Think logically. The environment, the galaxies … all too perfect in function and formation to be created by the mishap of an explosion. The earth in its glory of gravity and atmospheric conditions, with its tilt, rotates on its axis while revolving around the sun. Change its tilt or rotation, move closer to the sun or further away, and the earth’s atmospheric conditions, the seasons, darkness and light times, could force earth to be unrecognizable.

Such perfect precision can only come from One who is beyond our understanding of perfect and precise.

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5 Bible Verses: There Is Peace With God

Peace. Some folks think peace is hard to come by, but as believers, we know different. We know a peace that transcends all understanding; a peace that is always there if one simply believes.

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Father–Son–Holy Spirit

The union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost is known as the Godhead. They are also known as the trinity. Blessed, holy, and sacred, they are “one God in three Divine persons”.

Understanding how God came in human form as Jesus, yet His essence also includes Holy Spirit, is an idea many–including myself–have a hard time comprehending.

This week’s video gives a very basic explanation of the persons of the trinity, because understanding this complex truth means we have to start somewhere, right?

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Quick Bible Info

In America, one can easily find new Bibles written in formats suited for different needs. It’s wonderful knowing that though the Bible is old its translations are continually updated to accurately communicate God’s original message. And, that those translations are inspected in order to maintain God’s word as pristine to that same original text.

There are several Bible versions in my home, especially since my daughter and her husband are seminary students working on their doctrines. The Bible I usually reference is the New International Version Life Application Study Bible. It contains more than 23,500 cross references. Those references provide for lots of information.

We Christians are founded on His holy word and we must do all we can to continually reverence it–not pollute it with the nonsense of society.

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October 3—Bring Your Bible To School Day!

How fantastic is this?

The event, started by Focus on the Family in 2014,  is growing in popularity.  With every state in the nation involved, 8,000 students participated in 2014, 155,000 in 2015 and 356,000 in 2016. In 2017 almost 500,000 students participated and 2018 surpassed even that!  

Bring Your Bible To School Day started as a response to America’s schools continuing efforts to forbid the meetings of Christian groups, reading Bibles, saying prayers, kneeling for God at football games, and even acknowledging Jesus in the classroom.  

On October 3, Bring Your Bible To School Day is an event—a social activity—that all Christian students may openly partake in.

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Do you say “Oh my G**!” or “Oh my gosh!”?

Oh my G**! or Oh my gosh!

Listen to random conversations around you. You will definitely notice more people verbally spewing “Oh my G**!” to express their excitement rather than using the phrases  “Oh my gosh!” or “Oh my goodness!” 

This choice has also carried over into our electronic communications. When texting became the norm, abbreviations were formed to hurry the typing process, which brought on the OMG overload.

Some say the letters OMG! stand for Oh my gosh!, but I believe they are skirting the truth.

Often referred to as acronyms, (though by definition they are initialisms)  only the first letter of each word is used to form an abbreviation so we can type messages faster. Many trendy typed conversations to your BFF (Best Friend Forever) might also include: Continue reading