Fun Facts Of The Bible!

Fun facts of the Bible

The Bible is 1 book, made from 66 smaller books divided between the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament contains 39 books while the New Testament has a lesser amount of 27 books.

Written by approximately 40 different people, the authors of these books include prophets, a scribe, a cupbearer, a shepherd, a tax collector, a physician, fishermen, farmers,  priests, philosophers and kings, just to name a few!

Though the Old Testament was written before the New Testament with approximately 400 years between the Old Testament’s last book, Malachi, and the New Testament’s first book, Matthew-the Bible is not written as a continuous story from Genesis to Revelation. Continue reading

The Son Never Turns Away From Us

The Son never turns away from us.

Most folks enjoy the beauty of a perfect sunset—but in reality, the celestial body of the sun never “sets”. Our planet Earth rotates (spins) on its axis at the same time that it orbits (revolves) around the sun. 

Laymen use terminology of the sun “setting” even though Galileo proved Earth rotates toward the east,  which is why the sun “rises” in the east and “sets” in the west.

The reason darkness comes upon Earth is because Earth turns away from the sun’s brilliant light—the sun never turns away from Earth. This means whichever continents that are within the sun’s rays will soon enter darkness as Earth turns away. And just like Earth always goes into darkness, the same can be said for why beings go into darkness:

We turn away from the Son—The Son never turns away from us.

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Prayer Is A Powerful Thing!

Prayer is a powerful thing!

For the last few weeks a high volume of Christians have been deep in the trenches, drawn together doing what we do best in all situations—Praying! Prayer is a powerful thing! When family (as well as ourselves), friends, anyone—including our government—is suffering, Christians ALWAYS offer prayer.

In the midst of Washington D.C. battling itself, Republicans versus Democrats over the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, I have noticed fervent requests for Christians to pray. Continue reading

Editorial Cartoonist Mocks God


Editorial Cartoonist mocks God

Recently I posted, Christians, Claim Your Identity!, noting how Hollywood, again, poked fun at Christians during the Emmy Awards: “She says she doesn’t like watching white award shows because you guys don’t thank Jesus enough. That’s true. The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads.”Michael Che, referencing his mother.

Of course the flood gate of God-haters in Hollywood will never be totally closed until the return of Christ. So for now, Christians must continue swimming through Hollywood’s muddy waters. And sadly,  just as murky mainstream Hollywood has no conscience for attacking Christians as a group, a certain God-mocking editorial cartoonist also has no problem publicly directing a penned attack at one little believing girl. Continue reading