AMERICA – Praise The LORD!

God, the provider of all things, He alone is worthy to be praised!

Isaiah 12:4-6 In that day you will say: “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.”

Our creator and redeemer, God is glorious.

It was Jesus who proclaimed, as He entered Jerusalem the week before His crucifixion, if mankind doesn’t shout His praises then earth itself will:

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AMERICA – God’s Presence Changes All Things

God’s presence is power. America, once our nation understands God’s power, once we “get it”, there will be no force from earth, or below earth, strong enough to defeat us. Understanding God’s power–acknowledging His authority over our prideful ways–is how we will rise above the chaotic state our nation faces. 

Our citizens suffer fear from false teachings, depression from disease, and helplessness from hate. Many feel scared from previous scars. God did not create us to withdraw; to dread getting out of bed each morning.

I challenge you–call on God’s presence–for yourself personally and for our nation. Let us invite God’s presence to change things.

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AMERICA – Pray Together For Our Nation @ 9 PM EST Every Night

There is a grass roots prayer effort happening across our country, reportedly inspired from the efforts of an advisor to Prime Minister Winston Churchill during WWII.

W. Tudor Pole, an English author, was that advisor to Churchill. It was Pole’s idea to encourage Britain, during that difficult time, to pray for the safety of England, its people, and peace, each night. The chosen time was at 9 PM during the chiming of Big Ben, which took about one minute. 

Churchill supported the idea,  along with King George VI, his Parliamentary Cabinet, and their country’s citizens who believed in the power prayer. What a beautiful testament to faith in God.

America, let us as believers, duplicate Pole’s idea. Let us unite together for our nation by corporately praying each night for one minute.

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AMERICA – Jesus Did The Hard Work

America, we are loosing sight of Jesus. We are loosing sight of the way, the truth and the light; the only one able to walk us through the suffering our citizens are currently enduring. The only one who truly knows suffering because He alone suffered all pain before us.

There are three basic categories of suffering: emotional, physical, and spiritual–each causing unbearable pain to the human heart, body, and spirit.

Thankfully, because of Jesus, our country has the choice to not have to endure hardships alone. We have the choice to be blessed with the savior of the world’s authority. We have the choice because Jesus took on our burden of suffering at the cross, and all He asks in return is that we believe in what He did for us.

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AMERICA – God Is Bigger Than Anything

When circumstances seem beyond comprehension, when what you thought was the worst that could ever happen actually turned out to be the best part of your week, I encourage you–do not despair.

We are never alone in our suffering. God is here. He knows heartache, tragedy, and what it feels like to suffer loss. He knows the agony of pain, indignation, and that feeling of despair which causes one to choke.

God knows the negativity that feelings and emotions, sent by satan, try to elicit, so He sent positivity, the Holy Spirit, to tug at our hearts and fortify our minds.

God does this, America, to remind us that He is bigger than any situation.

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