5 Tips On Sharing Your Faith

5 tips on sharing your faith

When the opportunity arrises to share Jesus with others, which Christians are called to do, many ideas pass through our minds.  Ideas concerning not how great accepting Jesus will make the other person  “feel”, but on how that person’s possible rejection of Jesus will make us “feel”.

I know on  occasion I have factored in the possibility of rejection, and chose not to talk about my Lord and Savior.  Bad decision! When that happens, we both miss out! Continue reading

God Will Get You Through It!

God will get you through it!

Does the idea of joy and peace seem lost to you? If the answer to that question is yes, reading the book of Romans is a good place to help you find direction.

Written by the apostle Paul before he arrived in Rome, Paul wrote the new Christians there a letter. Paul’s message in his personal letter clearly offers them hope in a loving God through Jesus Christ. 

Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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God is Three in One!

God is 3 in 1

Discussions about God sometimes evolve from random conversations with friends. When this happens in the circles I socialize with I really enjoy it because sports and politics usually override group conversations.  Many times when these biblical topics arise, the discussions include questions regarding  truths that I totally believe and have some knowledge of.

I always try to communicate to others what I know about these truths, but on many occasions I realize my lack of knowledge on the subject.  The Bible contains sixty-six separate books with God’s word spoken from the beginning of time. That’s a lot of information! Continue reading

5 Reasons why using – Oh My G**! – is Wrong

Lift Him Up

5 reasons why using OMG**! is wrong

Over the past decades, society has willingly, and I shall also say enthusiastically, decided that exclaiming Oh My G**! is: pertinent, necessary and acceptable in everyday conversations.

However, because of the definition of God, and the way I understand our LORD’s third commandment, I must disagree. Let me share five important reasons why expressing Oh My G**! is absolutely wrong.

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