America, Be Wise In Choosing Leaders

A General Election is scheduled in America for Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Citizens will vote on all 435 seats in The House Of Representatives and on 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate. Governors will be elected in 36 of our states and in 3 American territories.

Our Forefathers and Founders fought hard, sometimes to their death, to create a land “with liberty and justice for all.” While doing so they chose leaders, “men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain”, as instructed by the Bible. America grew strong with leadership from these men.

Our Forefathers and Founders, overwhelmingly Christian, were wise in choosing Christian leaders lead by Biblical morals.

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America’s Covenant With God – Lest We Forget

“Lest we forget” is a phrase commonly used at war remembrance services. It encourages not to forget tragic battles fought in the past, why/how those battles came about, and the men and women who fought those battles. “Lest we forget” refers to the need of remembering history–studying and understanding national situations surrounding war and peace so that we avoid war and live in peace.

America, lest we forget God, what will happen?

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America, Let Us Revive Christian Morals

This post, the eighth in a nine-part series from Dr. Marshall Foster’s insightful book, The American Covenant – The Untold Story, reflects highlights from the last chapter of the book; specifically the need to get back to our Founders’ Christian foundation for America.

How did America loose its Christian morals in the first place? The process occurred slowly over time and Dr. Foster explains how:

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America Arose From Christian Thinking

This post, the seventh in a nine-part series highlighting a specific topic from each chapter of Dr. Marshall Foster’s insightful book, The American Covenant – The Untold Story, documents the foundation of America based on Biblical principles. The background of America’s government as Biblically initiated by the Christian thinking of our founders is included throughout the book with the seventh chapter mentioning our founding documents.

Dr. Foster explains, “We have learned that self-government begins first with the individual aligning himself with the will of God, then caring for himself and others and applying Biblical principles to all areas of his life. A limited, representative civil government will not long survive without what George Washington called the pillars of America in his Farewell Address: ‘Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.'”

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