7 Reasons I Love Joy!

7 reasons i love joy!

I am blessed with two different joys in life. My first joy – joy in the Lord, is what blesses me with my second joy – Joy, my daughter. Both joys fill my heart with love and thankfulness, but since the former created of the latter, I’ll acknowledge His joy first.  Continue reading

Learn Humility In 5 Simple Actions

Learn humility in 5 simple actions

Our obedience to God starts with a humble attitude.

humble – adjective: not proud or arrogant, low in rank, inferiority, subservience 

Humility is a hard word for some of us to demonstrate. Most times my tongue would rather stick to the roof of my mouth, than admit “Your way is right, Lord, my way was wrong.” Being humble certainly is not my best attribute. It’s this type of attitude that makes it hard to acknowledge God is greater and more powerful than we are.

But exercising  these five helpful actions towards God will strengthen your self-control  to follow His plan for humility over one of arrogance. 

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Baptism Proclaims What God Already Knows!

Baptism proclaims what God already knows

Baptism is an outward proclamation of inwardly repenting sin. The symbolism represents our sin washed clean by water; though baptism was not new to the Jewish nation. Levite priests were commanded to practice the act of cleansing themselves with water before carrying out their priestly duties. 

The Bible’s famous baptist, John the Baptist (son of Zechariah), was  known for his unconventional ways. He wore clothing made of camel’s hair and leather, and consumed a unique diet of locust with wild honey. This wilderness man also preached an aggressive message which included baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.   Continue reading

You Can Not Fool God

You can not fool God

Only God knows what is deep inside each one of us. He knows the direction of our hearts when we think, speak and act. I may demonstrate the action of a good deed simply because that is what is expected of me. But God, my Creator, knows me inside and out. So He knows if on certain occasions my conduct looks genuine on the outside but is false on the inside.

God can not be fooled by kind actions or positive words which try to cover up misdirected hearts and unrighteous thoughts. Continue reading