I pray that you, your family, and the loved ones around you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving Day! – Debra


To learn and share the importance of keeping God’s name holy, order copies of my book, LIFT HIM UP DON’T PULL HIM DOWN, @ LULU.COM or AMAZON.COM for your next Bible study.

Jesus Offers Thanks–BEFORE Blessing Appears!

Offering Thanks Works.

Gathered together in a grassy area on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, not far from the town of Bethsaida in Israel, Jesus fed 5,000 men. The wondrous deed was preformed spontaneously, accomplished on-the-spot after Jesus looked into the heavens and gave thanks. Though Jesus’ close group of Twelve were at His side, they had no idea of the miracle that was about to happen.

The large crowd of 5,000 (total doesn’t reflect women and children in attendance) was traveling on foot from nearby towns as they followed Jesus, eager to listen as He shared God’s message.

Jesus, whose name means Savior, considered the encompassing crowd as sheep without a shepherd. Because of this, the Savior had compassion on them while lovingly healing their sick and speaking about the kingdom of God.  

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Thank-You, LORD, For Another Season On Earth!

November–another great month to remember and acknowledge God for all that He is!

As the holiday fast approaches, now is an appropriate time to reflect on God, just as the pilgrims reflected on Him when they celebrated their first Thanksgiving. It’s a perfect time to be thankful for the promises God made to us, to be thankful for His protection, to be thankful for the gift of Jesus.

Let’s acknowledge we believe God is the good supplier of all our needs!

1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

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We Serve A BIG God! Can I get an AMEN?

God isn’t big because He takes up more space than us. God is big because He is more than us. And when we read His word we become blessed with knowledge of His vastness. A vastness so deep and so wide, many writers of the Bible–including prophets, king David, and Moses–have written about God yet I believe they really can’t explain it to us in human terms.

God is so much more than can be explained or understood. Creation, humankind, sin, mercy, and grace are just a few of His immeasurable traits. God is involved in every aspect of life, even in the lives of those who chose not to believe–because God is life!

And not only does God create life, God holds all things together.

Hebrews 1:3a The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. 

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