Joy Of The Lord

“Joy is a choice. It’s a matter of attitude that stems from one’s confidence in God-that He is at work, that He is in full control, that He is in the midst of whatever has happened, is happening and will happen. Either we fix our minds on that and determine to laugh again, or we wail and whine our way through life. We determine which way we will go.” – Chuck Swindoll, Laugh Again

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Experience The Joy Of Jesus This Season

“Joy is distinctly a Christian word and a Christian thing. It is the reverse if happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its spring deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only Jesus gives that joy.

S.D. Gordon
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Keep the True Light, JESUS, burning this Christmas. Pass it on!

The Christmas season has arrived!

Radio stations are playing joyful Christmas carols. Families are addressing beautiful Christmas cards. Preparations for Christmas cookies are being made as grandma’s recipes are pulled from kitchen drawers. And Christmas trees stand tall in the house, soon to be decorated in anticipation of Christmas presents that will surround them.

These events are not the reason for Christmas, but they have transitioned through the years into festive activities Christians enjoy as we celebrate the season. A season when school children and employees alike are excused from their expected duties to acknowledge one extraordinary day – Christmas!

Sadly, there are folks out there trying to snuff our seasonal festivities. Festivities Christians enjoy as part of the Christmas celebration.

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God’s Gift to Mankind–JESUS!

Jesus Christ did not come into the world to condemn. Jesus came to be a friend to all that are willing to receive Him.

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Like a friend tapping  on your door waiting for you to answer; Jesus taps at your heart, waiting for you to receive His gift. Picture your friend standing there holding a large box just for you! Now picture Jesus, who desires to be your best friend, offering you a free gift that will last a lifetime.

Jesus offers you salvation.

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You Want Joy? Don’t speak negativity!

The surest way to turn a good day bad, for yourself and for others, is to spew negative words. In truth, if we often speak negativity, it turns into our norm. I know someone in particular whose conversation overflows with negativity. When I know I’ll be around that person, I approach the event mentally prepared.

Negative words and thoughts are not worthless, they do carry power. They trigger bleak emotion, aggressive action, cause pain, and forbid joy to evolve within you. Negativity does not nurture joy.

Matthew 15:10-11 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

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What did Jesus say from The Cross?

Last week my post—When did “a cross” become “The Cross”?,  revealed the true message of The Cross. “Through Jesus’ resurrection—He once was dead then came to life three days later—a cross turned into The Cross!”

“Literally,  a cross is itself not power. But, The Cross, the means by which Jesus sacrificed Himself to death and now symbolizes eternal life for Christians-that, dear believers, holds power. It is truth we Christians need to remember daily.”

It was on The Cross that Jesus shared His final words. Often, people are intrigued to know the dying words of someone about to take their last breath. In fact books have been written on this very topic. Famous last words of five well known men include:

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Do You Know God Considers You Worthy?

Too often, we believe ourselves to be worthless, useless or incompetent. Why? Because we erroneously listen to someone who harbors evil in their heart claiming that against us!

Don’t listen to them anymore!

I encourage you now—do not believe anything that an evil heart dares to profess about you! You are worthy because you were created by the Creator of the world, made perfect in every way.

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Jesus Is Born In Bethlehem

While Joseph and Mary were living in Nazareth and Mary was still with child, the Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus, declared a census of the entire Roman empire. 

   Pregnancy or not, you don’t keep an Emperor waiting!  Augustus decided he needed a population count for military and tax reasons. Though Jews were not required to serve in the military, they most definitely were required to pay taxes.

   So Joseph took his pregnant fiancee, Mary, and made the seventy mile journey to Bethlehem. He traveled to  because men were required to return to their hometown; Joseph was a descendent of King David and Joseph’s family came from Bethlehem.

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The word joy appears 218 times in 210 verses of the New International Version of the Bible. God absolutely wants His children to desire, seek, attain, and boldly live in joy! 

   As a child during vacation Bible school, we often sang the Joy Joy Joy Joy song. I really enjoyed that song because our leaders encouraged us to sing it enthusiastically LOUD. 

   My memories are vivid—I was always happy and cheerful while we  sang that inspiring song. Now as an adult, I totally appreciate going deeper into the meaning of that song,  resonating in those unadorned lyrics. 

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