Creation Happened Because God Exists

Creation is from the great I AM. His existence is before the beginning. I AM is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient forever.

Look around. Think logically. The environment, the galaxies … all too perfect in function and formation to be created by the mishap of an explosion. The earth in its glory of gravity and atmospheric conditions, with its tilt, rotates on its axis while revolving around the sun. Change its tilt or rotation, move closer to the sun or further away, and the earth’s atmospheric conditions, the seasons, darkness and light times, could force earth to be unrecognizable.

Such perfect precision can only come from One who is beyond our understanding of perfect and precise.

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Heaven or Hell, You Are One Breath Away

I am a sinner – I sin in thought, word, and deed. Over and over, everyday, that is my nature, that is who I am.

On my own I will never enter heaven’s gate. It is only through Him, Jesus, who suffered and died for sin, that all are saved.

Jesus came once. He shared God’s love with those around Him. His perfect deeds and instructions are recorded for all mankind to receive His blessing of eternal life. Our opportunity to partake in salvation from the savior of the world is available for the asking.

Jesus prepared the way for us; by choice we are one breath away from eternal life or eternal damnation.

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God Created Man – God Created Woman

How perfect that God created two sexes: man and woman. In His perfectness He created two separate yet complimentary beings of each other. Separate, yet one sex can not survive without the other sex; they belong together.

Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

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5 Verses Jesus Offers Life

We all want life! A life of goodness, love, joy, and peace. But some folks are suffering through life – not receiving all they expect life to be. I read a poster recently that said: “Life has taught me to never expect anything from anyone.”

That’s a sad statement. Sounds like whoever said that is desolate. They have no one to help them through life’s journey. They feel lonesome.

Do you feel lonesome?

Do you lack goodness, love, joy, and peace?

Jesus can change all that!

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It’s common in society to want things now. We live in the present, consumed by current events, with no idea why the present is what it is, or, what comes next. This live-for-today practice leads to quick decision making to achieve immediate change. It seems mankind wears blinders, unable to take in all that goes on around us and why. But not God – He sees it all.

His plan for history is laid out, sort of like stepping stones. If we simply place all trust in Him and follow the stones, onestep at a time, we have the to ability reach the goodness He planned for us.

It’s about trusting God’s timing.

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