5 Reasons why using – Oh My G**! – is Wrong

5 reasons why using OMG**! is wrong

Over the past decades, society has willingly, and I shall also say enthusiastically, decided that exclaiming Oh My G**! is: pertinent, necessary and acceptable in everyday conversations.

However, because of the definition of God, and the way I understand our LORD’s third commandment, I must disagree. Let me share five important reasons why expressing Oh My G**! is absolutely wrong. Continue reading

The second part of our LORD’s Third Commandment

The send part of our LORD's third commandment

Taking God’s name in vain extends past the OMG‘s and the Oh My G**s that I discuss in my book, Lift Him Up don’t Pull Him Down. The book is written mainly to address those two misused exasperations; both habitually spoken as trash words in society today. Examination into why it is inappropriate to speak God’s holy name in that context is explained throughout the book.  And I reveal what we are truly expressing with this misuse, along with giving examples of how trashing God’s name can be corrected. Continue reading

Daniel’s Prayer

Daniel's Prayer

I was reading the book of Daniel, and came across Daniel’s prayerful plea for his nation Israel. In these times of national rebellion, hostility towards a neighbor and civic disregard for God’s Word, I though now is a good time to remember what open, honest prayer with God sounds like. Here is Daniel 9:4-19 : Continue reading

Trust In the Word Not The World

Trust in The Word not the world

Was there ever a time you expressed personal views and it was quite obvious you were swimming upstream? You shared a belief that did not flow with the belief of the person you were talking to? I understand the feeling; like I’m drowning all alone. But the Bible tells us many times we need to remain strong and do everything in love – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Ephesians 6:10-17. And not to conform to the world – Romans 12:2. Continue reading

ABRAHAM – Faith To Follow God No Matter…


One year ago on August 4, I created my first blog post. That post introduced the theme for this blog – desiring to lift up God’s name. The Bible describes many men and women with interesting accounts much more courageous and God centered than any posts I have written. Their stories recount God’s chosen; those who desired to lift up His holy name. They were men and women displaying unending confidence and trust in all God asked them to do. And one of those faithful men is Abraham. Continue reading