Bring Your Bible To School Day!

Bring your Bible to school day

October 4 is Bring Your Bible To School Day! How fantastic is that?

The event, started by Focus on the Family in 2014,  is growing in popularity.  With every state in the nation involved, 8,000 students participated in 2014, 155,000 in 2015, and 356,000 in 2016, and the number for 2017 almost reached 500,000!  

Bring Your Bible To School Day started as a response to America’s schools continuing to forbid religious groups, Bibles, prayer, kneeling for God at football games, or even acknowledging Jesus in the classroom.  

This much needed event  is something Christian students may partake in openly. Continue reading

Christians, Claim Your Identity!

Christians claim your identity

Not unusual for Hollywood, the Emmy Awards this week applauded one if its hosts, Michael Che,  telling the audience that his mother was not watching the show —“She says she doesn’t like watching white award shows because you guys don’t thank Jesus enough. That’s true. The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads.”

Hmmmm, assuming Mrs. Che is a Christian, because Michael did say she wants Jesus to be thanked more, I wonder if Mrs. Che enjoyed her son’s joke at Christian’s expense? Continue reading

JESUS Is Calling YOU!


Jesus is calling you

Some people erroneously believe they must clean up their lives before coming to Jesus. They are sadly ashamed of their past: the dirty baggage they carry, the scars they created or endured, the hidden hurt laying on their hearts. They allow past sin to bind them.    

If you are one of those misinformed souls not familiar with the Good News, let me share with you the truth Jesus taught and lived by some 2000 years ago. I know 2000 years seems long in the human time frame, but have no worries –

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Continue reading

President Trump’s Positive Christian Agenda

President Trump's Positive Christian Agenda

Some may not like his style, but facts are facts and one can not dispute Donald Trump is accomplishing much needed objectives for those of Christian faith.  No, I would not want him to take the lead as my Bible studies teacher; that was not the reason I voted him into the oval office.  Religious teaching is not one of his gifts. Business sense, leadership and making deals are President Trump’s gifts. 

Writing as someone blessed not as one included in a “basket of deplorables”, and under my own initiative with no order from my husband, I respectfully believe one day a “powerful woman”  with America’s interest at heart will  lead this country.  But today, I am thankful for  President Trump.

Had Mr. Trump not been elected, many changes for the betterment of religious living would not have occurred. Listed are a few prominent ideas that the Trump Administration placed in effect. Continue reading