OBITUARY of Jesus the Christ

Easter is the holiest of celebrated holidays to Christian believers. It is the resurrection of Jesus our savior—The One who was crucified then came back to life three days later—that is the core of Christianity.

Through Jesus’ resurrection mankind receives salvation—deliverance from sin. We come to understand this truth through Bible study, attention to biblical sermons, and heartfelt prayer. God’s word truly is a love letter to us.

The Bible is a love letter. From its beginning, God promises that though we sin and fall short of His glory, He provides a redeemer.

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When did a cross become “The Cross”?

To understand the significance of The Cross, one must imagine the horrific scene on Calvary hill. Calvary, also called Golgotha–meaning skull, was immediately outside Jerusalem’s walls. Calvary is where Jesus hung, where He was crucified, His earthly body nailed to a cross.

In those days, a cross was a means by which convicted criminals were put to death. Crucifixion was perfected by the Roman empire as a manner of execution; the convicted were humiliatingly stripped bare then nailed to a cross outside the city walls. They hung there, for all to gawk at until dead.

Jesus, the only sinless man in all the world, was found guilty of a crime and sentenced to an excruciating death on a cross.

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Washington, D.C. – Hear the Words of Psalm 46

Psalm 46 contains an often repeated yet misinterpreted verse from the Bible:

Be still, and know that I am God.

Taken at its word “be still” could mean “be quiet” or “wait.” But, it’s important that we not ignore the context in which the phrase is used. One needs to know exactly what the psalm is referencing before randomly removing a sentence from an entire chapter and fathoming its meaning. In it, the psalmist tells a short story beginning with referencing “trouble”.

Taken from chapter 46 in Psalms, “Be still” isn’t meant to imply passively waiting on the Lord. By studying the Hebrew word and pulling together the entire chapter we see the statement implies more of a call to action. The action to “stop”. As we think about the political climate of America right now this particular verse, in fact the entire chapter, can poetically be applied to the current activity in Washington, D.C.

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AMERICA–Believe In The Power Of Prayer

Ancient Israel did not have the personal relationship with God that Christians experience today in America. It’s only through the acceptance of The Cross, all that Jesus suffered pertaining to His death and resurrection, and the empowerment of Holy Spirit, that Americans and all peoples can experience a personal relationship with our Father.

That’s good news for Americans to remember right now, since many citizens during this current political climate are having trouble seeing the presence of God.

If that’s you, if you’re a believer in Christ yet currently doubt God still resides in our nation’s capitol, perhaps it’s time to step-up your prayer routine.

Prayer is our connection to God.

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AMERICA–Pray For Our Nation

If you follow my blog you no doubt read my post:14 Bible Verses to Pray Over Your Home. It was written to encourage prayer for God’s dominion over your home. With humble hearts you were asked to specifically pray in every room of your home, calling to the Lord, asking for blessings and favor as you proclaimed His faithful word.

As Christians that’s what we are supposed to do. We are to proclaim God’s word, His goodness, over every aspect of life. This means not just our lives but also over our homes, families, businesses, travel, relationships, health…everything.

And everything includes our government.

Yes, God should have sovereign authority over our government. But our government has slowly turned its back to God, forgetting the covenant our forefathers made with Him. We are losing track of right and wrong and need to get America back to understanding what President George Washington knew:

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