Miracles Of Jesus – BELIEVE!

Believe in the miracles of Jesus.

In the Old Testament, the job of prophets was to pass on God’s message to the people. The prophets did not speak their word; God’s word was spoken through them.  They revealed who God was, and what He planned to do. Some did preform miracles.

Then things changed in the New Testament, as described to us through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It’s from the gospel of John that we learn when Jesus arrived, He was the Word: Continue reading

Does God Care If You Believe Him?

God loves you!


Absolute biblical recordings reveal God punished those who did not believe or obey what He said. And He rewarded or blessed those who believed His word, following His commands.  

The Old Testament shares with us the prophets, those who spoke to the nation of Israel, disclosing His message to them. The prophets did not use their own words,  only the words spoken to them from God. But that changed in the New Testament.  In the time of Jesus, a new covenant was made that was to be followed.  Continue reading

Did Jesus Really Resurrect?

Jesus resurrected


Absolute biblical recordings reveal witnesses to this extreme historic event. Jesus did arise from the dead! There are so many witnesses to His resurrection, it becomes unfathomable how doubters make claims against documented facts. 

Thankfully, though the physical body of Jesus is gone His spiritual presence lives forever! The miracle of Jesus raised to life from death is central in Christianity. There is no one else who walked this earth that man slaughtered, then came back to life! Continue reading

Did Jesus Really Die?

Jesus died on the cross for us.


Absolute biblical recordings reveal witnesses to this extreme historic event. Jesus did die on the cross. There are so many witnesses to His death, it becomes unfathomable how doubters could make claims against documented facts. 

Thankfully, it was only Jesus’ temporary human body that died. The spirt of Jesus lives! And that miracle, the miracle of Jesus raised to life from death is central in Christianity. There is no one else who walked this earth that man slaughtered, then came  back to life!

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